Do you have ideas which could improve our community?
Do you enjoy working with a team?
Could you help BDL develop new projects?
Could you help manage Speldiburn, its events & activities?

Consider joining BDL’s board of directors

Some of our directors are involved with the day to day running of Speldiburn – admin, staff management, accounting, event management….. Some are not. What is important is that BDL meetings are attended by a range of individual directors, with differing experiences and interests, this ensures BDL has the capacity to manage new projects and ensures we remain representative of our community.

Directors are required to attend 6 meetings per year, but as business meetings take place monthly, it is easier to stay involved if directors can commit to 1 meeting per month.

Directors are unpaid but the role should be interesting, enjoyable and fulfilling. There is no need to have past experience of committees (we are very informal). Living in Bressay, with an interest in how our community develops, is all that’s required!

Please pop in for a chat, or email us if you are interested.

Published on February 19th 2023

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